Saturday, October 5, 2013

55 days to go. Have spoken to so many other individuals who wish they could retire, but just aren't there yet. I wasn't "there yet" just three months ago, but my how things do change. Once the change happened though, it was complete. I now wish to move on and not look back. All things change, that's the one thing that never changes. So we either change with it, or we get left behind. Funny how much less stressed I feel now that a decision has been made!

Don't get me wrong, the remainder of life is still just as it was. Worrying about my kids and grand kids, making sure my bills are paid, responsibilities taken care of, wondering if Tony and Ziva will actually get together, you know, the usual things in life. The only thing that has changed really, is my outlook for the future. Thinking about the fellas that didn't even make it to retirement, one of our sergeants here dropped dead just the other day. He hired on at the S. O. about the same time I did. A good friend died a couple of years ago, at the same age I will be in a few days. Life is too short as it is, so it's time to go and do something else now, something that will perhaps make me happier, and if not, then something else again, till I find the something else that I want to do with the next part of my life.

I'm done with this part, yes indeed.


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