Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Well, a little catching up to do, lol. Several things have happened since I last posted to my blog. I know, I'm a neglectful little fella.

I got the cat after all. Well, actually, I got two. Instead of one little blond kitty, I got two of them from the same litter, a couple of sisters. I could not come up with appropriate names so I posted to my Facebook account that I had the problem, and for my friends to suggest names. There were several very good suggestions, but the one that caught my fancy as an NCIS fan, was Abby and Ziva. Thus my kitties had names. They have turned out to be just as cute and quirky as the NCIS chicks they were named after! LOL. They are a lot of fun and very loving, so they'll do.

Next, my country has decided to commit economic suicide and reelected President Obama. How people think a socialist is going to know how to fix a capitalist economy I'll never know. I've known us to do some pretty silly crap over the years, but this has to take the cake. The only explanation I can come up with is that those who want free stuff from the government now outnumber those who are going to be called upon to pay for it. My disappointment cannot be measured on any current scale, it's that deep. Thomas Jefferson said; "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Boy, have we ever taken that route to heart. We've allowed ourselves to become the serfs of those who will not take responsibility for themselves, and we are forced to help whether we want to or not.

Oh well, such is life. We will not recover from the rule of this President in my lifetime.


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