Friday, May 27, 2011

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Happy Memorial Day. I have just been listening to some media, and reading some articles, that say we shouldn't say, "Happy" Memorial Day. It seems they object to that because it is not a "happy" holiday, it is a somber day of remembrance of those who have sacrificed all for our country.

Agreed, to a point. But one thing people should be happy about is that there are those in our society, as self centered and narcissistic as it is, that will sign up to go places and do things most people will not ever sign up to do, and possibly get killed in the process.

Yes, you heard me right. You SHOULD be HAPPY there are those who will sacrifice themselves for your benefit. You should be glad that those individuals will stand a post so you can talk on your smart phone, watch your flat screen television, go to the movies, hang out at bars, go to the beach, work a regular job, go to your kids soccer games, etc, etc, etc, with no more inconvenience than if you happen to get a flat tire on your little economy car.

In the meantime, those who have enlisted to protect you and our way of life are eating, sleeping, walking, talking and living in hellholes all over the world to try and keep the America hating hordes at bay. While you are complaining about coach class seats in the plane you flew in to get to grandma's for Memorial Day, your soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are being hauled around in net seats aboard a helicopter or C-130 somewhere, wearing earplugs so their hearing isn't permanently damaged, and hoping some pinheads golden BB isn't going to take out an engine. Or worse. While you are eating hamburgers and hot dogs at the beach, remember the poor slobs who are eating MRE's on a mountain in Afghanistan somewhere, wont' you?

So as you settle in this weekend and grill some hot dogs, or guzzle a beer or two, please be happy that there are those who will do this for you, and take a minute or two to actually think about what this holiday actually represents. It is to commemorate those who signed up for all of the above, but didn't make it home to enjoy the holiday with you.

Captain, USAR (ret)

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