Friday, May 27, 2011

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Happy Memorial Day. I have just been listening to some media, and reading some articles, that say we shouldn't say, "Happy" Memorial Day. It seems they object to that because it is not a "happy" holiday, it is a somber day of remembrance of those who have sacrificed all for our country.

Agreed, to a point. But one thing people should be happy about is that there are those in our society, as self centered and narcissistic as it is, that will sign up to go places and do things most people will not ever sign up to do, and possibly get killed in the process.

Yes, you heard me right. You SHOULD be HAPPY there are those who will sacrifice themselves for your benefit. You should be glad that those individuals will stand a post so you can talk on your smart phone, watch your flat screen television, go to the movies, hang out at bars, go to the beach, work a regular job, go to your kids soccer games, etc, etc, etc, with no more inconvenience than if you happen to get a flat tire on your little economy car.

In the meantime, those who have enlisted to protect you and our way of life are eating, sleeping, walking, talking and living in hellholes all over the world to try and keep the America hating hordes at bay. While you are complaining about coach class seats in the plane you flew in to get to grandma's for Memorial Day, your soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are being hauled around in net seats aboard a helicopter or C-130 somewhere, wearing earplugs so their hearing isn't permanently damaged, and hoping some pinheads golden BB isn't going to take out an engine. Or worse. While you are eating hamburgers and hot dogs at the beach, remember the poor slobs who are eating MRE's on a mountain in Afghanistan somewhere, wont' you?

So as you settle in this weekend and grill some hot dogs, or guzzle a beer or two, please be happy that there are those who will do this for you, and take a minute or two to actually think about what this holiday actually represents. It is to commemorate those who signed up for all of the above, but didn't make it home to enjoy the holiday with you.

Captain, USAR (ret)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blog is back up! Was down for a bit, didn't know when it would be back up so I could ramble some more.

They are hitting us from every side these days, eh? Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Communists, all trying to get a seat in the boat. Each and every one convinced they are right and every body else is wrong. The "New World Order" is coming and we're all going to be slaves to the rich people! Good grief.

Look, I'm no expert on what's going on in the world, but even I can see we've taken a very high dive into the deep end. I know, I know, if you look at history you'll see just as much loud argueing between political parties and individuals as long as there have been politics. We didn't just dream up dirty politics in this country in this generation, it has a long standing tradition here, as well as around the world. That's the problem.

This attitude of: "I'll do anything, I'll say anything, I'll condone anything in order to get elected to public office is so shameful as to put the lie to anything we say we stand for. Our political process has become so ugly, so stained with vile words and deeds that the people feel dirty after having particpated in even the least important elections. In colusion with the politicians is our media.

We used to be able to consider our media a protector of the people's right to know. We used to be able to actually consider our news media pesonalities as journalists who would bring us the world and tell us what was going on with some credibility. Now, they are no more than entertainers with their own agenda and with license to use the airwaves to tell us what we should think and how we should "feel" about issues they bring to the fore. I remember when all politicians were fair game to the news media, everybody got taken down a notch when deserved, regardless of party. These days, they are more interested in defending one party against the other, instead of defending US against them ALL!

I don't know. I miss Huntley and Brinkley. I never knew what their political beliefs were. I didn't know where they stood on gun control, or abortion. I just knew what they reported in the news. I respected them for that. I used to respect Walter Cronkite, till he went all wobbly and decided expressing his opinion was more important than reporting the news. I know there is so much going on in the world that it is sometimes impossible to get it all right the first try, that's just life. But the cable news folks with opinion piece shows on constantly, advocating either a right-wing or left-wing slant to their entire production, have made it seem that we can no longer get anthing close to an unbiased report on anything! News reporting should very much be like a police report: Who, What, When, Where and How. You very, very, very rarely include the WHY because that is where you get in trouble with trying to be accurate. One source tells you one thing, and another source tells you another thing, and you then have to decide which is more accurate or true. Good luck with that.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Night Reflections.....

Let's see, how does the old song go?
"It's another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody,
I got some money cause I just got paid.
How I wish I had someone to talk to,
I'm in an awful way."
Such is life, eh? I kind of got on the subject of getting older thanks to several things that have happened lately. My kids started having kids, I realized I'm overweight and out of shape, and I just don't heal up as quickly, or as well, as I used to.
So I decide I'm going to lose some weight and start a mild workout program to try and get is some semblance of shape. So first thing I do is give myself a simple little physical fitness test to see just where I am before I start a program, right? Something simple, something I'm familiar with and can keep doing regardless of whether I have a gym handy or not. So I fall back to my old army days and figure I'll start out with the old PT test we used to do. Simple, right? Push ups, sit ups, and run. Nothing to it.
Now, I don't run, so it's more of a push ups, sit ups and walk, so that makes it even more simple. Just something to get me up off the couch and doing something. I used to do the PT test twice a year before I retired from the Army Reserve and maintained myself in between tests fairly easily. I can do this. I used to max the points on the push ups and sit ups, but I was no body's runner, so I would just try to pass that part, and maybe make a few extra points if I could. No problem.
The test was a two mile timed run. I used to pass it with no problem. Now I can't run around the block if you gave me most of the day to complete it. I used to do about 50 sit ups in two minutes, now I can do 15 and I was DONE. I used to do about 56 push ups in two minutes, not I did 15 and I was DONE. There was no running. I just walked, on a treadmill, for five laps and I was DONE. I've never been in such bad shape in my life.
So I got three iPhone apps that will help. One gives you a program to get you up to being able to do 200 sit ups. One gives you a program to get you up to 100 push ups, and one is called, Couch to 5K, which obviously is supposed to help you gradually work your way up to being able to run 5 kilometers. So I start the programs! The first day of the push ups it has me to sets of push ups, with a rest period in between each set. I believe it was 12, 7, 7, 9, 8+. Five sets of just a few push ups, and then you're done.
The sit ups program was much the same, obviously starting me off very, very slowly. Then I walked again and actually did 6 laps before being completely wore out. I knew that I'd be a little bit sore as a result of doing all this for the first time in a long time, but I had NO idea of how miserable I was about to be.
Ibuprofen and Alieve are my friends. I love them. I shall leave something to them in my will one day. about 24 to 36 hours after my little gung ho episode, I was so sore I couldn't put my shirt on. I couldn't fall asleep because I'd only wake up the first time I moved in my sleep. It was a real nightmare. Finally, it started to ease up and get better, so I was able to move, and to sleep, normally. Usually, as a result of something like that, I'd shy away from making it happen again, but in this instance, I really, really can't.
I have to do something about my weight. I have to do something about what bad shape I'm in. I have to. As I mentioned before, my kids are having kids, and I want to be around as long as I can to enjoy that as much as I can. I am so proud of my kids. They have really done such a great job with their lives so far. I can hardly wait to see what comes next for them.
As for me, yup, still single and unattached, but gainfully employed, just went over 20 years with this employer, 31 years in the business. Been single for 16 years straight now, which is a record for me, lol. I'm not sure if I'm sparing myself, or sparing any other poor woman from having to put up with me, LOL. I guess it is just in how you look at it. Who knows, maybe someone is actually out there just waiting to meet me, or not.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another long, long time since I last posted anything. Sigh. Oh well, no need to get all guilty about it, just do better...

First, and foremost, Osama Bin Laden is finally with the fishes, er, no pun intended. Oh heck, pun absolutely intended!! I have to admit, the only negative thing about the entire episode is the whining and caterwauling of the poor tortured souls who cannot come to grips with the fact this is a good, good thing.

"Oh, oh, we shouldn't be celebrating the death of any person", "Oh, how terrible of us to be glad this man is dead", "Oh, oh, we are just terrible people for killing an unarmed man in his bedroom".

OH PLEASE! GET A DAMNED GRIP people! You know what, in the normal course of human events I would agree in almost every case, BUT, in this case, this guy EARNED his death, and richly deserved it in every single way imaginable. You people need to put on your big girl panties and buck up! This was justice DONE! If ever there was an exception that proves the rule, this guy is the poster child. If anyone out there has ever wished President George Bush dead, then lamented when Bin Laden was killed, you are a HUGE hypocrite!

"Oh, oh, we shouldn't show the pictures, it might inflame Muslim sensibilities", that one from our current President. Sheesh, talk about being in need of big girl panties.....

For some reason, the administration has decided that we should not "inflame Muslim sensibilities" even though "Muslims" have no problem doing the same to us. Pictures and videos of every kind of senseless killing and beheading that can be shown, HAS been shown. Ever since Mogadishu the "Muslims" have no problem with parading the bodies, and body parts, of Americans killed around the globe before the global audience, and proudly! And the very same Democrats who are now saying we should not show such photos (because it could cause some of our troops overseas to be subject to Muslim violence) had NO problem, and in fact, couldn't release the Ahbu Graib prison photos FAST ENOUGH! Funny how a couple of years makes such a difference, eh?

And we take the time to give the body a washing, a wrapping, and a drop in the ocean after an "appropriate" Muslim ceremony. Okay, is it me, or does anyone ever remember ANY of the Americans killed by Muslims getting the same treatment? The "oh so sacred" tenant of burying bodies within 24 hours, etc? I seem to remember those guys in Falujah hanging from the bridges for some days, don't I? The bodies of our helicopter pilots, and two MOH winning Green Beret operatives being dragged through the streets by gangs of Muslims. Oh, wait, that is only for "believers", that's right. Us "infidels" are not subject to such consideration. Or is it crusaders? I always forget which terms are correct at the moment.

Funny how tolerance has become a one way street, eh? As for "moderate" Muslims, yeah, right. The definition of that is: Those Muslims who want to have their cake, and eat it, too. Demanding freedom of religion wherever they go, but try to walk down a street in Saudi Arabia with a bible in your hand. Yeah, good luck with that. Let me know how that works out for ya.

Okay, I hear you now, saying "But THEY don't represent ALL Muslims! They don't speak for all Islam!" This is the deepest bullshit of all. When Christian nutjobs here in the U. S. try to bomb buildings and kill people we put all of our resources toward stopping them, period. Sometimes, like with Timothy McVeigh, we don't intercept them in time, but we still hunt them down and make them pay. We don't celebrate them and make them into heroes and claim they are "holy warriors". And when we put a needle in Tim's arm and made him go bye-bye we said good riddance to bad rubbish. Are there still people out there like him? Sure there are, and if they pull anything we can't stop before they succeed we'll take them down as well.

But we don't put those people up as some kind of martyr on a national basis or on a religious basis as a nation. We are ashamed of our nutcases, unlike the Muslim world.

So forgive me if I can't "feeeeeel" bad about Bin Laden getting a fatal case of lead poisoning. Shit happens. Especially to evil people like him. And good riddance to bad rubbish.

God Bless the Navy Seals.
