Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh well.

You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men, right? It is only too true. All my plans for this year so far have been either changed or cancelled. My "ride" to Vegas turned out to be a "drive" instead, and Sturgis is an out and out cancel.

Why, you ask? Well, I decided back in February to investigate the possibility of getting Lazik surgery on my eyes to correct my near sightedness and eliminate my glasses and contacts, finally!! So I made appointments to first get my eyes checked and my current prescriptions updated (got new glasses and contacts) and then I started making the rounds of some doctors that had been recommended to me for Lazik checkups.

Lo and behold, the very first doctor I went to for the Lazik found a problem. Back in 2000 I had a detached retina in my left eye. It was repaired in high fashion by a very prominent eye surgeon and life went on with no problems. Or so I thought. The eye doctors found that since that surgery in 2000, scar tissue had built up and needed to be removed or it was going to cause my vision to degrade more and more.

So, off to the races we went. I was under the care of one of the more eminent eye surgeons in Houston and everything seemed to be going swimmingly, lol. The first procedure seemed to go fine, and for the first month I was thrilled with the improvement I saw in my vision, even though they had some kind of silicon oil in my eye to increase pressure on the retina while it healed, and that had my vision pretty blurry. The 1 month followup visit went well, no problems, and then one week later things started to go to crap.

I developed a dark area near the top of my vision all of a sudden and called it in. They immediately set me up for another appointment where I was told they were going to have to go back in. It seems that as my eye healed, it pulled another area of the retina loose and it is not uncommon to have that happen. Easy for THEM to

So back in they went. It was just too much fun, let me tall ya. Then, a week later, I went back to have it looked at, the routine followup after the procedure, and here we go again. It seems that I have developed a lot of liquid pooling behind the repair, and it had to be taken care of. So BACK IN we go. Another operation on my poor eyeball. But, it had to be done.

So now I've had three operations on my eye, instead of the two originally planned, and I still have one more to go. So far, so good though, I made it through the one month followup on this last one, and I have two months of healing to go before they are satisfied it is good to go and they can remove the silicon oil from my eye, the final procedure. Hopefully, that will be the end of it.

As a result of all this, I was unable to ride my motorcycle to Las Vegas, but at least I was still able to go, even if I had to drive the Jeep. But Sturgis is out. I won't be back on the bike till late August at the soonest, or September at the latest, IF everything goes as planned. Like the title says, oh well.

But, as we all know, things could be worse. So as long as things continue to progress as they are, I'm not going to complain, I'm just going to try and lug it out.

1 comment:

hedii said...

This too shall pass... *kotc*
Hope everything else is going ok for you Mac...